A FREE monthly acting workshop…? In London?


We are now at a new venue!!! St John’s Waterloo!

Speak The Speech has been running once a month since September 2017. It is a FREE acting class that focuses on Monologues to challenge performers to look at how they approach a speech.

That’s not to say we only do monologues… we have had scenes, poems, play readings and have even table read a newly penned short film script!

If it is about acting, we will discuss it and, more importantly, get up and play with the words!

I created the format because I was frustrated with the scarcity of opportunity to train for the sake of bettering your craft without spending a fortune (or going into the room with the ulterior motive of trying to get cast). The marvellous Deli Studios in London kindly provided space for free from and so London’s only regular FREE acting class for professional actors began.

Participants may present a monologue or duologue to the group, Warren then leads them in a short workshop with their piece using the collective experience in the room.

We help each other to grow… you might have the perfect exercise or insight to help unlock a deeper understanding of the text tucked away in the back of your head.

There is never any pressure to perform, you can just soak up the atmosphere and be part of the experience.

Sign up for Speak The Speech

Next date: Wednesday, January 8th, 6.30-8.30pm at St John’s Waterloo.


St John’s Waterloo
73 Waterloo Road
London SE1 8TY

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During the COVID-19 outbreak, Warren took Speak The Speech onto an online platform. This allowed us to keep stretching our acting muscles at home and draw in experience from all around the world, not just in London. In fact we published a collection of monologues written during the online sessions.